What is the average salary in Brittany? Compare salaries in the region

Brittany, a region renowned for its culture and landscapes, also attracts interest for its economic aspects. Among these, the average salary is a key indicator of the region’s standard of living and attractiveness. Let’s delve into the figures and trends that characterize salaries in Brittany.

An overview of salaries in Brittany: a contrasting reality

The average salary in Brittany is below the national average, placing the region among the six French territories with the lowest salaries. In 2022, the average net monthly salary was 2,357 euros, or 28,286 euros annually. However, this average masks significant disparities between socio-professional categories, business sectors and geographical areas.

The gap with the national average widens particularly with age. For the same characteristics, a Breton worker receives on average 10% less than his or her counterpart in the Paris region, and 4% less than an employee in the Rhône-Alpes region. This difference is partly explained by Brittany’s specific economic structure.

Here is a table summarizing average salaries by socio-professional category in Brittany:

Category Average net monthly salary Gap with national average
Managers 3 984 € -505 €
Employees 1 829 € -50 €
Workers 1 888 € Unspecified

These figures clearly illustrate the discrepancies in remuneration between the different professional categories, as well as the gap with national averages. To optimize HR management in this specific context, many companies in Brittany are using appropriate solutions.

Factors influencing remuneration in Brittany

There are a number of factors that account for the region’s distinctive pay levels. Socio-professional category is the main factor, accounting for 78.7% of pay disparities.Age comes in second, accounting for 10.9% of differences, followed by sector of activity, which accounts for 4.4%.

Brittany’s economic structure plays a vital role in this wage configuration. The region is characterized by :

  • A strong presence of the agricultural sector and agri-food industry
  • Lesser representation of high-paying sectors such as finance and IT
  • A higher proportion of SMEs and VSEs than large companies

These specific features help to keep average salaries below the national average. However, some areas, such as the Rennes urban area, boast higher salaries, reflecting local economic dynamism.

Quel est le salaire moyen en Bretagne ? Comparatif des rémunérations dans la région

Pay inequalities persist between men and women

Despite the progress made in terms of professional equality, the pay gap between men and women remains significant in Brittany. The median wage for women is 9.2 euros net per hour, compared with 10.5 euros for men. This disparity is reflected in the average monthly wage:

  • Women: 2,149 euros net
  • Men: 2,507 euros net

The gap widens with age and level of responsibility. Even with equivalent characteristics (position, sector, experience), there is still a 9% difference between men’s and women’s pay in Brittany. This situation underlines the need to pursue efforts in favor of equal pay in the region.

It should be noted that these pay disparities are not specific to Brittany, and can be found in other regions of France, and even in other countries. For example, employment opportunities in Guinea also present challenges in terms of equal pay, albeit in a different economic context.

Prospects and challenges for the evolution of salaries in Brittany

In the light of these findings, a number of challenges are emerging for the future of pay in Brittany:

  1. Attracting high value-added sectors: Encouraging the establishment of companies in fields such as digital technology or biotechnology could help to raise the average level of salaries.
  2. Enhance local skills: Strengthen training and the match between companies’ needs and the qualifications of Breton workers.
  3. Reduce inequalities: Implement proactive policies to close the wage gap, particularly between men and women.
  4. Develop regional attractiveness: Capitalize on Brittany’s quality of life to attract talent, while ensuring a balance with the local cost of living.

Brittany has undeniable assets to meet these challenges. Its entrepreneurial dynamism, its culture of innovation and its attractive living environment are all levers for stimulating its economy and, by extension, the level of remuneration.

In short, while the average salary in Brittany remains lower than the national average, the region is nonetheless a dynamic territory in the throes of change. The combined efforts of economic, political and social players point to a positive outlook for Breton salaries in the years ahead. The challenge will be to reconcile this progress with the preservation of the identity and specific features that are Brittany’s strength.