
Putting people at the heart of your success

Amilor is a platform dedicated to optimizing and transforming human resources practices. It supports companies in the effective management of their talent by offering tools, advice and solutions adapted to modern workplace challenges. Whether it’s a question of recruiting the right profiles, building employee loyalty, improving well-being in the workplace or digitizing HR processes, acts as a strategic partner to enhance human resources while boosting organizational performance. With Amilor, companies can simplify their processes, strengthen the commitment of their teams and face the challenges of the future with confidence.

Comment convertir un salaire de 1950 euros brut en net : calcul et explications

How to convert a gross salary of 1950 euros into a net salary: calculation and explanations

Converting a gross salary into a net salary is a vital element in understanding your actual remuneration. Over the course of this article, we’ll be breaking down the process of
Calculez facilement le nombre d'heures par mois : guide complet pour optimiser votre temps et votre productivité

Easily calculate the number of hours per month: a complete guide to optimizing your time and productivity

Calculating the number of hours per month is essential for optimizing your time and productivity. Whether you’re an employee, employer or self-employed, understanding the subtleties of this calculation will help
People doc : logiciel RH de gestion des ressources humaines pour simplifier vos processus administratifs

People doc: HR management software to simplify your administrative processes

People Doc is an innovative human resources (HR) management solution that is changing the way companies manage their administrative processes. This comprehensive HR software offers a range of powerful tools
Comment développer une marque employeur attractive dans votre PME : stratégies et astuces

How to develop an attractive employer brand in your SME: strategies and tips

In an increasingly competitive job market, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must redouble their efforts to attract and retain talent. Employer branding is an essential strategic tool for standing out
La pyramide hiérarchique en entreprise : structure organisationnelle et niveaux de management expliqués

The corporate hierarchical pyramid: organizational structure and management levels explained

The corporate hierarchical pyramid is a widely used organizational model in the business world. This structure defines the different levels of management and illustrates the distribution of roles within an
Comment élaborer une proposition de valeur employeur percutante pour attirer les meilleurs talents

How to develop a powerful employer value proposition to attract top talent

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) has become an essential element for companies wishing to stand out in an increasingly competitive job market. Much more than a simple recruitment tool, this
Comment calculer vos heures supplémentaires : guide complet pour optimiser votre rémunération

How to calculate overtime: a complete guide to optimizing your compensation

Calculating overtime is a key issue for employees and employers alike. Understanding the rules and methods of calculation will help you optimize your remuneration and comply with the legal framework.
Quel est le taux horaire du SMIC dans la restauration ? Montant et spécificités du secteur

What is the hourly SMIC rate in the restaurant industry? Amount and sector specifics

The restaurant and catering sector plays a significant role in the French economy. With its own specific characteristics, it is governed by particular rules when it comes to remuneration. The
Comment calculer le salaire brut en net : guide complet pour convertir votre rémunération

How to convert gross salary into net salary: a complete guide to converting your salary

Calculating gross salary into net salary is an essential step in understanding your real remuneration. Whether you’re an employee in the private sector, a civil servant or on a work-study
Le SMIC en Suède : tout savoir sur le salaire minimum et les conditions de travail scandinaves

The minimum wage in Sweden: everything you need to know about the Scandinavian minimum wage and working conditions

Sweden, a Scandinavian country renowned for its advanced social model, is unique in its approach to minimum wages. Unlike most European countries, Sweden has no statutory minimum wage, preferring a